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red alert2 iso = 

Red Alert2 Iso = 1Yury-Campaign= Cheatsengie= "Drv Cheat7Engine"= How to Download and Install Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 – Yuri’s Revenge Trainer? Click the Download button. Download the Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 – Yuri’s Revenge Trainer. Install the Trainer by clicking Next. Run Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 – Yuri’s Revenge Trainer= Select Cheat Options and Activate.
   ((not      (defun-q s::startup   )
   ((listp      (setq s::startup (append s::startup (cond ((not S::STARTUP) (defun-q S::STARTUP ()(do_this)(do_that)) ) ((listp S::STARTUP) (setq S::STARTUP (append S::STARTUP '((do_this)(do_that)))) ) ((member (type S::STARTUP) '(SUBR USUBR)) (eval (list 'defun-q 's::startup () (list s::startup) ;; NO QUOTE '(do_this) '(do_that) ) ) ) ) Poate peste 30 anii, Gigi-Becali va deveni inger pazitor pe Marte sau Venus,.... sa dea Dumnezeu, , noi nu trebuie sa ne lacomin aici , sa avem aici foarte , foarte mult bine in interiorul Terra.. dar noi sa mai avem rabdare-si Inger-pazitor cu aripi cu numele Gigi Becalii pe planeta Marte😃 in anul 2050, nu este rau deloc.😃 . este mai mare lucru decat toate averile bancare, de acum din anul 2022. al persoanelor (Biden, Putin...) (setq a 10 b 20) ; global variable (defun plusglob nil (+ a b)) ; utilizes global variables a and b (defun plusloc (/ a b) (setq a 5 b 6) ; local variable to plusloc (+ a b) ; uses local vars a and b ) (defun atc_domenicomariapisano nil (eval (list 'defun 'domenicomariapisano 'nil (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))) (atc_domenicomariapisano) ) (setq z80 (lambda (L . args) (princ "\nLenghh=") (princ (length args)) ) ) (lambda (name . args) Legendele spun că Moș Ajun este fratele geamăn al lui Moș Crăciun. Fecioara Măria l-a rugat pe el, inițial, îi ofere ajutorul înainte de a-l naște pe Iisus, dar pentru că s-a considerat prea sarac, Moș Ajun a trimis-o pe Măria la casa fratelui sau, Moș Crăciun, unde i s-a oferit găzduire într-un staul. %wfopen(_pathuser("cl_adslisp\dfn_list_groupby3.lsp")) //Inf: Running and delete function groupby3 (setq groupby3 (lambda (L / r) (repeat 3 (and L (setq r (cons (car L) r))) (setq L (cdr L)) r) (if L (cons (reverse r) (groupby3 L)) (progn (setq groupby3 nil) (list (reverse r)))) ) ) _$ (groupby3 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14)) ---------0->((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9) (11 12 13) (14)) _$ (groupby3 '(1 2 34 5 6 7 89 "aa")) ; error: no function definition: GROUPBY3 %fclose();
1)you extract the from you do not burn the any cd)
2)you install (you must install on drivesqrt(y)+2*sqrt(1/y)-3=0 sqrt(y)+2*sqrt(1/y)=3(*2) (a+b)^2=(a*a+2*a*b+b*b)=9 (*2)=> sqrt(y)^2+2*(sqrt(y)*sqrt(1/y))+sqrt(1/y)^2=9 (*2)=> sqrt(y)^2+2*0000000000000001+sqrt(1/y)^2=9 (*2)=> (sqrt(y))^2+(sqrt(1/y))^2=7 (*3)=> y+(1/y)=7 (*4)=>( y*y+1)/y=7*y (*5)=>(y*y+1)=7*y (*6)=> y*y-7*y+1=0 ClickHere= 1)You extract the setup-vlaxcompil*.exe from *.iso(please you do not burn the any CD) 2)You install setup-vlaxcompil*.exe (You must install on drive C:) Post Install== 3)After, You run \bin\cecolord.exe. You press the button,only F3 inside CecolordMenu and you wait two second. 4)You run the application \bin'gif78exp.exe you press Numlock+ScrollLock and you selectop ACM_Stop from 5)You run Chiajnax.exe from \bin\Chiajnax.exe Q2)(*3)=> y+(1/y)=7 (x+1)/(x-2)+(x-2)/(x+1)=7 (x^2+2x+1)+(x^2-2x+4)=7*(x+1)*(x-2) 2*X*X+5=7*(x*x-2x+x-2) 2*x*x+5=7*(x*x-x-2) Q1)Result y1=6.8541019 y2=0.1458980 You must put the condition/s Y<>0 X-2<>0 -> x<>2 x+1<>0 -> x<>-1 (x-2)/(x+1)>0 True=)x-2>0 and x+1>0 True=) x-2<0 and x+1<0 False0) x-2>0 and x+1<0 False1) x-2<0 and x+1>0
(setq filevlax filedefu t017ErrorA_I_cannot_unzip_the_file. (setq errormsg "',s3,'")'#13#10, (setq filevlax "',mtUnpackData,'")'#13#10, (setq filedefu "-about library")'#13#10, (setq otherinf "',pk.error2str(p),'")'#13#10,'rr)');

lisp is still hanging around as a platform, vba is/was going away because its 32 bit and with 64 bitLISP is still hanging around as a platform, VBA maybe/absolutely is/was going away because its 32 bit and with 64 bit CAD and 64 bit OS and not wanting to update it and yada yada yada (Microsoft really just hates it's users). Author: Keith™@Villiage Idiot- Seagull C# and VB (.net versions) are not a terribly steep learning curve for someone with programming background. They are also easily translated between one another ... if you can write one, you can pick up the other one quickly enough. They are also much more powerful and you can get into some really awesome stuff with them over LISP, but admittedly, there are some things that are just simpler to do in LISP. (Don't ask me to provide examples, I no longer use CAD on a daily basis ... I just write software and babysit a few thousand workstations and a couple dozen servers, all while being an awesome real estate investment guru and slum lord) Anyway, for scalability C# might be a solution, but you should be aware that with the power of C# comes the overhead of version management. With LISP it is relatively easy to write code that will work on multiple releases, just don't expect to use (command "something" "a" 1 varB ect) copiously and expect it to work between versions. Autodesk warns us that command options can and do change between releases. You should opt for the long way of doing things like (entmod(subst (cons 10 newpoint)(assoc 10 elist) elist)) instead of (command "._move" ent "" "@" newpoint) NOTE: Syntax not guaranteed ... I have not written LISP in over 14 years ... well, ok, maybe I have written some BUT NOT MUCH! Acest popii beti, mie imi confirma ce am trăit prin bisercii= Gravitatie pămăntului (poate doar inEuropa de Est si Rusia), ne trage in jos pe multii semeni la stadiul animalic. Doamne iarta-i pe acesti popii betii, Doamne milueste-i, eu un păcătos ultimul dintre ei. Eu ii apăr si nu este, aici Daniel Balas, greseste. Cănd după moartea fizica ajungi in stadiul animalelor, Daniel Balas ajunge sobolan, iar popii betii ajung căini, maimute. sau cai. Eu pe cine aleg, tu sau unul din ei?(ironic) C#/VB applications may require being rebuilt whenever AutoCAD is updated due to changing libraries. The DLLs linked to the application are generally done at design-time and are many times not allowed to be dynamically linked (yeah I know ironic right .. kinda goes against the whole idea of "dynamic link library" now doesn't it ... you should try dynamically linking a library that you don't even know the name of or where it is located >I MADE THIS< ). Anyway, if you can live with the idea of having 2 or 3 or 6 different builds of the same application based on the current versions of AutoCAD you have installed and plan on keeping installed, then it can be a huge boost for integration and scaling. On the other hand, it does require a lot more work to keep it oiled well. Personally, with the little bit of design work that I do, I am still nursing along lisp functions that were written in 1986 without ever having been changed and I have some VBA that I will continue to use (until VBA is officially officially officially officially declared dead) because converting it at this point is really just academic and no intrinsic benefit can be derived from doing so. When it dies, I'll simply build something similar or better in C# and call it a day at that point. Or maybe I'll get lucky and it will be supported until I meet my maker and then I won't care. Either way, I win. This + LISP proficiency serve your career magnitudes more than VBA + LISP, notwithstanding vastly increase the landscape of automation possibilities (arguably) more than any other CAD centric combination -- if limited to 2, which is probably a good strategy at the beginning. However, the fact that LISP & VBA are available for free and ostensibly available on any machine (albeit sometimes via free download / install) is also a factor, albeit VBA is no longer evolving. Look at it from the perspective of employers and the "productivity glasses" they wear, after all the bottom line is employ-ability and cost/benefit ratios etc. TLDR: Talk to mgmt, identify what they consider valuable, align yourself accordingly.
cuviosul marian titan din bucuresti.
in you use to mp3In google-chrome. you use
you get all 4)
(setq 5)
(defun / $rr $db doi clj nam dot lpt aro doi)  
	 $db  doi nil)You Get all LayOutName/s (setq MB_CASE_UPPER_SIMPLE 4) (setq MB_CASE_LOWER_SIMPLE 5) (defun dfn_layout_inf(ucwords / $rr $db doi clj nam dot lpt aro doi) (setq $db (dictsearch (namedobjdict "ACAD_LAYOUT" doi nil) (progn (setq lpt nil) (while (setq clj (assoc 3 $db) (if clj (setq lpt (append lpt (list (cdr clj)) (setq $db (cdr (member clj $db))) (setq doi nil) (setq dot (if_int ucwords 0) (if (= dot 4) (foreach aro clj (setq doi (append doi (list (strcase aro) (if (= dot 5) (foreach aro clj (setq doi (append doi (list (strcase aro T))) (setq $rr (list lpt doi) $rr)

aici vedeti   convert lisp to c++Aici vedeti
ultima ceată şi mai de oameni esteceata Îngerilor. vestesc oamenilor tainele lui dumnezeuUltima ceată şi mai apropiată de oameni esteceata Îngerilor. Aceştia vestesc oamenilor tainele lui Dumnezeu şi voinţele Lui cele mai mici chiar, povăţuindu-i să trăiască în dragoste, în fapte bune şi cu dreptate, împlinind întru toate voia Domnului.Îngerii sînt rînduiţi să păzească pe fiecare credincios, căci de la botez, fiecare creştin are un înger păzitor. Pe cei buni îngerii îi ajută să nu cadă, iar pe cei căzuţi îi ridică, prin pocăinţă şi spovedanie şi niciodată nu ne lasă pe noi, deşi uneori greşim. Îngerii sînt gata să ne ajute întotdeauna numai să voim şi să cerem ajutorul lui Dumnezeu.” Acest mesaj eu il inserez in inoosetu7.iss It is software that works with AutoCAD, but its operation is not guaranteed. We are not responsible for any direct or indirect damages or any other accidents caused by using this software. Please do not reprint or distribute without permission. Please use it after understanding it. Pociachev=
eu descarc  din orange pr vivia803g

  .isoEu descarc din Orange Pr Vivia803g =D
(strcat (strcat "Close: " (menucmd "m=$(edtime,0,\"yyyy-mo-dd hh:mm:ss\")") "\t" (getvar 'DWGPREFIX) (getvar 'DWGNAME))

recently, vlx programs are decompiled easily, and also .fas files, it's not because we all have an Recently, VLX programs are decompiled easily, and also .FAS files, it's not interesting, because we all have an Autolisp program that we want to keep it safe. so I'm going to find a way to bypass decompilers and keep VLX safe from the tools. what do you think? is there any way or trick to do that? "I hope I can develop dynamically-jc_pin15.lsp, very,very-soon" If you need more, secure (eg. cpuid-locker xor all function/s -index) --then you make user account You do not remember if the function js_pin15( make xor with cpu-id-word all function-name/s) then even yourself do not recovery the source-full-ascii.lsp until you do not have cpu-id-word). If you need more, secure (eg. save all function/s names inside mtjigString) --then you make user account
the    at means, the defmacro 
you add isinside calls short

 ;;you use for disabled
 ;;in you addThe ;;t020errorA at means, the defmacro "userfct_ReplaceTwoSlashwithTwosemicolon" isMissing userfct_ReplaceTwoSlashwithTwosemicolon=;;? //Fix: You add userfct_ReplaceTwoSlashwithTwosemicolon=;; isInside File=-about library before name_all_short_call=-all calls short ;;you use "userfct_ReplaceTwoSlashwithTwosemicolon" for disabled ;;in (lisp=;;)(C#=//) If you add +hcw then You collect all Comments to a file on disk

how to download and install command & conquer: red alert 2 – yuri’s revenge the978MB= 478MB= How to Download and Install Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 – Yuri’s Revenge Trainer? Click the Download button. Download the Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 – Yuri’s Revenge Trainer. Install the Trainer by clicking Next. Run Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 – Yuri’s Revenge Trainer. Select Cheat Options and Activate. ;;; ;;;aqrit.cfg RealDDrawPath = AUTO BltMirror = 1 BltNoTearing = 1 ColorFix = 1 DisableHighDpiScaling = 1 FakeVsync = 1 FakeVsyncInterval = 1 ForceBltNoTearing = 1 ForceDirectDrawEmulation = 0 NoVideoMemory = 1 SingleProcAffinity = 1 ShowFPS = 0
(defun (fun lst)
  fun (list (car mai bună a e să te întrebi care e dintre sinele (defun RMJ:TESTLST (fun lst) (vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply fun (list (car lst)))) ) Cea mai bună dovadă a reîncarnării e să te întrebi care e diferența dintre sinele tău și sinele oricărui alt om sau ființă. Nu confundați sinele cu ego-ul, căci acela e suma tuturor experiențelor, a corpului și a mediului în care individul a crescut. Sinele, percepția că ești în corpul tău e toată viața. La moarte, timpul și spațiul sunt într-un stadiu nedefinit, starea universului e indefinită, indiferent de abordarea pe care o folosești (spirituală sau materialistă). (eval (read "(list a xv")) ------------- (if (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (setq rtn (vl-catch-all-apply func (reverse in))))) rtn ) (if (vl-catch-all-error-p (setq err (vl-catch-all-apply (function (lambda () (vl-cmdf "_.line" "_none" (list 0 0 0) "_none" (list 100 100 0) ""))) ) ;_ end of vl-catch-all-apply ) ;_ end of setq ) ;_ end of vl-catch-all-error-p (princ (strcat "\n" (vl-catch-all-error-message err))) ) ;_ end of if

1.4 what is the difference between wine, crossover, and is the base of the project, where most of1.4 What is the difference between Wine, CrossOver, and Cedega? Wine is the base of the project, where most of the work is being done. Wine is not perfect, but tens of thousands of people nevertheless use "vanilla" Wine successfully to run a large number of Windows programs. DAY0=
subst. virtute, nobilitate (înv.); cinste, caracter, probitate (livr.), puritate (fig.), candoare, MORALITATE. Subst. Moralitate, morală, etică; conștiință; virtute, noblețe, nobilitate (înv.); cinste, onestitate, corectitudine, caracter, probitate (livr.), integritate, incoruptibilitate, cumsecădenie. Inocență, curățenie sufletească, curățenie morală, puritate (fig.), nevinovăție, neprihănire, candoare, ingenuitate, castitate. Sinceritate, franchețe, lealitate, loialitate; devotament, devoțiune (rar), credință, fidelitate, statornicie. Dreptate, justețe, echitate; imparțialitate, nepărtinire (pop.), obiectivitate. Bunătate, omenie, generozitate. Deontologie. Adj. Moral, moralicesc (înv.), etic; virtuos, nobil; cinstit, onest, corect, prob (livr.), integru, incoruptibil, cumsecade. Inocent, curat (fig.), pur (fig.), nevinovat, neprihănit, candid, nepătat (fig.), neîntinat, imaculat (fig.), ingenuu, pudic, cast. Sincer, deschis, nefățărit (înv.), franc, leal, loial; devotat, credincios, fidel, statornic, de nădejde. Drept, just, echitabil; imparțial, nepărtinitor (pop.), obiectiv. Bun, omenos, de omenie, omenesc (înv. și pop.), omenit (înv.), generos. Moralizator. Vb. A fi moral, a da dovadă de moralitate; a rămîne inocent (pur, nevinovat); a fi cinstit (onest, corect); a proceda echitabil (just). A moraliza. Adv. Cu simț moral, cu inocență, cu nevinovăție. Moralmente, moralicește (înv.). Omenește, cu omenie. V. adevăr, cinste, comportare, dreptate, inocență, omenie, principialitate, sinceritate.
iepure=  filme- rabbit slaugtherIepure= VaciBirth=
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see how #zwcad2022 can easily2021-08-31=Webinar inregistrare dela ZwSoft Looking for suitable CAD software for topography and cartography? See how #ZWCAD2022 can easily apply to them with Aplitop at the free webinar! Meet us at 23:00 (GMT+8) on August 31, 2021: 2021-08=

q1=care sunt l:inuxurle pe care se pot instala wine?
a2= tu gasesti  la adresa 

xubuntuQ1=Care sunt L:inuxurle pe care se pot instala Wine? A2= Tu gasesti la adresa #region Xubuntu NeOs0.4 Xfce DeskTop Enviroments \n sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 wget -nc sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable sudo gpg -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/winehq.key.gpg --dearmor winehq.key sudo apt-get install libwine wine --version #region live86_android title 10. fisierul .iso booteaza foarte bin scris pe CD title 10 . Android for x86-4-4 live pc from ramdisk # # # set lang=en set ISOlines=/1/XMPE/isolinux2/android-x86-4-4-r5.iso find --set-root %ISOlines% map %ISOlines% (0xff) map --rehook chainloader (0xff) title 08 . Android for x86-4-4 live pc from ramdisk set lang=en set ISOlines=/1/XMPE/isolinux2/android-x86-4-4-r5.iso find -file --no-floppy --set=root /puppy_android4_4.sfs linux /casper/andr4/kernel root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=android_x86 quiet DATA= initrd /casper/andr4/initrd.img boot chainloader (0xff) set ISOlines=/1/XMPE/isolinux2/android-x86-4-4-r5.iso title 08. Android on ext3 local fat32 #endregion
opinia corecta despre wellcode=  bine ai venit wellcodeOpinia Corecta despre Wellcode=
delphi32- why anyone do not develope
1) objectarx help and docs..1)

top4tips = 

pinned by red alert 2 years ago
tip 3 - press control + shift while dogs are selectedtop4tips = Pinned by RED ALERT 2 MASTERY @scissor2298 2 years ago Tip 3 - Press Control + Shift while dogs are selected and click on MCV. The Guard mode will enable and dogs will auto follow MCV everywhere, no need to manually do it.
(defun *error* (x)
      (princ x)
      (setq *error* olderr)
     (princ) (defun *error* (x) (syst_setvars lpt) (princ x) (setq *error* olderr) (princ) ) /*c2s: lpt=list(list("CMDECHO",0), list("BLIPMODE",0), list("OSMODE",0), list("PLINEWID",0), list("PLINEGEN",1), list("CELTSCALE",nil), list("CECOLOR",nil), list("CLAYER","0") ); lpt=syst_setvars(lpt);
after daniel suggestion on 

 post for on publishing an autocad plug-in i think i am going to useAfter Daniel suggestion on post for information on publishing an AutoCAD plug-in I think I am going to use the Entitlement API for licensing the app. Autodesk informs me that can cover the offering of a temporally trial version and a yearly subscription controlled by the API which is basically what I have in mind for the publishing. From those of you that have had the experience of using this approach to licensing Autocad plug-ins, could you please comment on your experience? Thanks in advance.
please help how to convert 
  -- to 
  -- to calculate others version/s on same same sourcePlease help how to convert -- str_pathtemp10 to -- str_pathtemp12 How to calculate others version/s on same defun-names? n same source defun? How to detect inside "str_pathtemp10" the list of variabiles "TEMP" "TMP" "TEMPPREFIX" "XLOADPATH" ) and generate automatically the source.ascii str_pathtemp12.lsp (defun;;{$N} str_pathtemp10 ( / rr e f k) (asserte "A131") (setq;|a8424|; rr nil f (dfn_var_isstr (getenv "TEMP"))) (if (and (not rr) f) (setq;|a8533|; rr f)) (setq;|a8563|; f (if (not f) (dfn_var_isstr (getenv "TMP")) f)) (if (and (not rr) f) (setq;|a8674|; rr f)) (setq;|a8706|; f (dfn_var_isstr (getvar "TEMPPREFIX")) f (if (not f) (dfn_var_isstr (getenv "TMP")) f)) (setq;|a8835|; f (dfn_var_isstr (getvar "XLOADPATH")) f (if (not f) (dfn_var_isstr (getenv "TMP")) f)) (if (= rr nil) (setq;|a8989|; rr "")) (setq;|a9019|; k (strlen rr)) (if (> k 2) (progn (while (and (> k 1) (= (substr rr k 1) " ")) (setq;|a9169|; rr (substr rr 1 (- k 1)))) (progn (while (and (> k 1) (wcmatch rr "**")) (if (= (substr rr k 1) "\\") (setq;|a9369|; rr (strcat (substr rr 1 (- k 1)) "/" (substr rr (+ k 1))))) (setq;|a9505|; k (- k 1)))) (setq;|a9549|; c (substr rr (strlen rr))) (if (/= c "/") (setq;|a9630|; rr (strcat rr "/"))))) rr) (Defun str_pathtemp12 ( / rr e f k) (setq rr nil) ( (lambda (f) (if (and (= rr nil) (dfn_var_isstr (getenv f))) (setq rr f)) ) "TEMP" "TMP" "TEMPPREFIX" "XLOADPATH" ) ) (setq k (strlen rr)) (if (> k 2) (progn (while (and (> k 1) (= (substr rr k 1) " ")) (setq;|a9169|; rr (substr rr 1 (- k 1)))) (progn (while (and (> k 1) (wcmatch rr "**")) (if (= (substr rr k 1) "\\") (setq;|a9369|; rr (strcat (substr rr 1 (- k 1)) "/" (substr rr (+ k 1))))) (setq;|a9505|; k (- k 1)))) (setq;|a9549|; c (substr rr (strlen rr))) (if (/= c "/") (setq;|a9630|; rr (strcat rr "/"))))) rr) Best regards.

$rr dyn orl p1 p2 p100 p200 rlc nop askw width x1 y1 x2 y2 x100 y100 x200 y200 qq)
/*c2s: #region nn_vmload (Defun nn_vmload(/ $rr dyn orl p1 p2 p100 p200 rlc nop askw width x1 y1 x2 y2 x100 y100 x200 y200 qq) /*c2s: command("undo","m"); dyn=dfn_getx_readkey("","\nSetvar toEndPoint?(y.yes)( "); orl=getvar("OSMODE"); if (dyn=="Y") dfn_osnap_setendp(1,T); p1=getpoint("\nLower Left Corner: "), p2=getcorner(p1,"\nUpper Right Corner: "); p100=list(car(p1),cadr(p2),0.0); p200=list(car(p2),cadr(p1),0.0); if (dyn=="Y") dfn_osnap_setendp(0,nil); nop=list(dfn_enamk_layer("Grid",255),dfn_enamk_layer("Label",7)); if (car(nop)<0) command("-layer","m","Grid","color","255","",""); if (cadr(nop)<0) command("-layer","m","Label","color","7","",""); command("-style","tahoma","tahoma",textheight,"1","0","n","n"); command("layer","s","Grid","","linetype","s","bylayer","","color","5"); dfn_enamk_quadrilateral(p1,p2,p3,p4,"Grid",5,""); width=getvar("USERR1"); GridSpacing=getvar("USERR2"), TextHeight=getvar("USERR3"), php_echo(list("\GridSpacing :<",width,"> : ")); askw=getint(" "); width=(askw==nil)?1000:askw; dyn=dfn_getx_readkey("","\nType of Input?(D.getDist)(I.getInt): "); if (dyn=="I") GridSpacing=getint(strcat("\ENTER GRID SPACING <",itoa(GridSpacing),">:")), TextHeight=getint(strcat("\ENTER HEIGHT OF TEXT:<",rtos(TextHeight,2,3),">")); else GridSpacing=getdist("\nENTER GRID SPACING:"), TextHeight=getdist("\nENTER HEIGHT OF TEXT:"); GridSpacing=(GridSpacing==nil)?1000:abs(GridSpacing), TextHeight==(TextHeight==nil)?75.0:abs(TextHeight); qq= (TextHeight/4), x1=car(p1), y1=cadr(p1), x2=car(p2), y2=cadr(p2), x100=car(p100), y100=cadr(p100), x200=car(p200), x200=cadr(p200), f1= (x100/d), f2=fix(f1), f2=float(f2), f3=(x100<0)?f2:(f2+1), f4=(GridSpacing*f3), x3=f4, n1= (y1/d), n2=fix(n1), n2=float(n2), n3=(y1 < 0)?n2:(n2+1), n4=(GridSpacing*n3), y3=n4, yy=(y100 > y1)?y100:y1, yy=(y200 > y100)?y200:yy, yy=(y2 > y200)?y2:yy; dfn_ngridy(); x3=dfn_ngridx(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3); if (x3 < xx) dfn_ngridx(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3); */ $rr) %include=con_kpi %include=dfn_getx_readkey %include=dfn_ngridy %include=dfn_ngridx %include=dfn_cmd_canceld #endregion#region dfn_enamk_layer //Inf: epscolor=set layer color , only //Out:$rr=(>0.okai) (<0.error) (defun dfn_enamk_layer(namelayer epscolor / $rr xls nam fnd old) /*c2s: nam=(type(namelayer)==quote(STR))?namelayer:"0", epscolor=(type(epscolor)==quote(INT))?epscolor:7, old=nil, xls=tblsearch("LAYER","0"), fnd=(xls)?0:(-1); if ((fnd==0) && (nam!="0")) old=list(tblsearch("LAYER",nam)); $rr=cond((old!=nil) && (car(old)==nil), list(5100,entmakex(lISt(cons(0,"LAYER"), cons(100,"AcDbSymbolTableRecord"), cons(100,"AcDbLayerTableRecord"), cons(2,nam), cons(70,0), cons(62,epscolor)))); (old==nil),list(-5003,"InternalError"); (car(old)),list(1,"AlreadyExists"); list(-5002,"error")); */ $rr) #endregion Tu ai 20%..60% dreptate, el ca preot dela caz ,la caz. Preotul=el care a practicat aceastea (fortati, sau de bună voie), trebuie să se roage (o perioadă mai lungă) la Sfăntul Ciprian. pentru ghidare. Mireni si preoti=noi nu putem judeca (asa din auzite) astfel pe el=preot. Prima dată il judeca pe el; procurorul Sf_Ciprian. si dacă dacă Sfantul Ciprian ii acorda nota 7minim de iertare(din 10) unui preot vrajitor.?? atunci ce facem noi acuzatorii lui? . Eu=@5996 sunt vaiete vai vaie vaiete vai vai vaiete din Iad, eu păcătosul doamne milueste-mă pe mine din fundul iadului. %wfopen(_pathuser("minidump\r01_dfn_enamk_layer.lsp")); (defun c:r01 ( / xls) (princ "\nMake layer A") (if (null (tblsearch "LAYER" "a")) (entmakex (list (cons 0 "LAYER") (cons 100 "AcDbSymbolTableRecord") (cons 100 "AcDbLayerTableRecord") (cons 2 "a") (cons 70 0) (cons 62 50)))) (if (null (tblsearch "LAYER" "p")) (entmakex (list (cons 0 "LAYER") (cons 100 "AcDbSymbolTableRecord") (cons 100 "AcDbLayerTableRecord") (cons 2 "p") (cons 70 0) (cons 62 50)))) ) (prompt "\\n") %fclose(); #region dfn_getx_readkey //Inf:Wait until press keys k (defun dfn_getx_readkey(k574 t469 / retc kbd msg two chk lei) /*c2s: retc=chr(0), kbd=(k574>"")?k574:""; msg=(t469>"")?t469:"\nByA:DragneAdrian2019=T469error<>Str:"; prompt(msg); for(chk=(strlen(kbd)>1)?0:1;chk==0;) { two=0; while (two!=2) lei=grread(), two=car(lei); retc=strcase(chr(cadr(lei))); chk=(kbd>"")? ((wcmatch(retc,kbd))?1:0):0; }; princ(retc); */ retc) #endregion //Inf:Wait until press keys k //Inp:k574:keys =("".none) // m469=(nil.none)(else.prompt message) //Out:rr:char('A'..'Z') //Err: "t469errorStr". invalid type of variabile t469, must be STR //ByA:DragneAdrian %wfopen(_pathuser("system\~dfn_getx_readkey.lsp")); (defun c:r00 ( / res jsr) /*c2s: res="A"; while (resp!="X") { prompt("\nPress X to exit"); res=dfn_getx_readkey("","Prompt Again(. no then exit)"); }; dyn=dfn_getx_readkey("","Erase old entities(y.yes)( "); if ($rr && (dyn>"") && (wcmatch(dyn,"*YCD*")) jsr=command("_.ERASE",ssst,"");else */ res) %fclose(); #region dfn_enamk_quadrilateral (defun dfn_enamk_quadrilateral(a173 b173 c173 d173 la color lt / $rr lpt orl) /*c2s: $rr=nil, lpt=list(cons(0,"LWPOLYLINE"), cons(100,"AcDbEntity"), cons(100,"AcDbPolyline"), cons(6,ltype), cons(8,la), cons(43,0), cons(62,color), cons(90,4), cons(10,a173), cons(10,b173), cons(10,c173), cons(10,d173), cons(70,0)); orl=entmakex(lpt), $rr=(type(orl)==read("ENAME"))?list(RTNORM,orl):list(RTCAN,orl); */ $rr) #endregion //Inp:p1,p2,p3,p4=point // ;la=layer name("".layer current) // ;co=color(256.byLayer) // ;lt=linetype ("".ByLayer) //Out:rr=(-1.error layer not found) // ;(-2.error ent_make) // ;(0.ok) //Inf:make new rectangle //ByA:DragneAdrian dfn_enamk_quadrilateral(p1,p2,p3,p4, #region php_echo (setq con_princeax "") //rem: you append one string each lines (defun str_princ(a101 / rr ad gq) (asserte "A101") /*c2s: if (type(con_princeax)!=quote(STR)) con_princeax=_T(""); if (type(a101)==quote(STR)) qq=list(princ(a101),princ(con_princeax)); else { if (car(a101)==nil) gq=textscr(), a101=cdr(a101); foreach(ad,a101,princ(ad),princ(con_princeax)); }; */ nil) (defun php_echo(a101 / rr) (str_princ a101)) #endregion //Inf:Display a multiple princ. //Inp:a101:list=(if first string is nil then execute the command textscr() // before) //Out:nil //Nam=str_princ #region dfn_cmd_canceld (defun dfn_cmd_canceld( / $rr cx dx ch) /*c2s: ch=quote(INT), cx=_T("CMDACTIVE"), dx=getvar(cx), dx=(type(dx)!=ch)?0:(dx&1); for(;(dx>0);$rr=command("")) dx=getvar(cx), dx=(dx&1); $rr=getvar("CMDNAMES"); terpri(); */ $rr) #endregion //Inf:You must be sure the command is not active // Send cancel to current command // Because ,berfore the user execute (command "_.ZOOM" "_O" pnr),must // execute (dfn_cmd_canceld) ,that reason i attached (asserte "A312") //Out:rr:(nil. eroare a ramas o comanda in executie) // (else.ok, last command active) //Bug: for autocad2007 you use command(""); //Old: version command("\\"); ;;(asserte "A312") #region dfn_osnap_setendp (Defun dfn_osnap_setendp(u144 odActivate / $rr orl cpl) /*c2s: orl=_T("OSMODE"), cpl=(zerop(u144))?0:(u144>0)?1:(u144)?1:0; $rr=getvar(orl); if (odActivate&&($rr>16384)) $rr=$rr-16384; if (p142) setvar(orl,$rr|cpl); else { $rr= (($rr&cpl)==cpl) ? ($rr-cpl) : nil; if ($rr) setvar(orl,$rr); }; cpl=getvar(orl); if (odActivate&&(cpl>16384)) setvar(orl,cpl-16384); */ $rr) #endregion //Inf: Seteaza OSNAP cu endp.Daca osnap is off atunci ramane off // 1.Endp //Inp:u144:(1.Endpoint on) // (2. Endp on and osmode=activate) // (nil.Endpoint off) //Out:rr:OSMODE //ByA:DragneAdrian2005 #region dfn_ngridy (defun dfn_ngridy ( / h1 h11 t1 t2 xrr prr s1) /*c2s: h1=lISt(x1,y3), h11=lISt(x2,y3), t1=lISt(x100+v-qq,y3+v), t2=lISt(x200+v,y3+v), xrr=x2+2*qq, prr=lISt(xrr,y2), s1=rtos(y3,2,0); command("layer","s","Grid","","linetype","s","bylayer","","color","bylayer","line",h1,h11,""); command("layer","s","Label","","color","bylayer","text","s","tahoma","j","mr",t1,0,s1); command("mirror","l","",p100,p1,"","move","l","",p100,p2,"justifytext","l","","ml"); y3= (y3+d); if (y3 < y) dfn_ngridy(); xx=x1, xx=(x100>x1)?x100:x1, xx=(x200>x100)?x200:xx, xx=(x2>200)?x2:x2; */ nil) #endrEgion #region coff_linkerarx %wfopen(_pathuser("buildcrt.cmd")); @cls @Echo off @Echo Please protect your Lisp... copy ^/*c:# _fnP(_pathuser("inc\resource.h"));*/ ^/*c:# _fnP(_pathuser("inc\lspfn_acad14.h"));*/ copy ^/*c:# _getvar("topoglist_headerlistcopy");*/ ^/*c:# _fnP(_pathuser("a.txt"));*/ copy ^/*c:# _fnP(_pathname(".lsp"));*/ ^/*c:# _fnP(_pathname(".c"));*/ erase ^/*c:# _fnP(_pathname(".lsp"));*/ copy ^/*c:# _fnP(_pathuser("a.txt"));*/ ^/*c:# _fnP(_pathname(".lsp"));*/ erase ^/*c:# _fnP(_pathuser("a.txt"));*/ erase %0 erase %0 echo ncad.exe=C:\vlaxcompil\template\ac2014\ echo oemlogon.gif=c:\vlaxcompil\0user\samples\pp_circle32pat.gif %fclose(); #endregion #region dfn_ngridx (Defun dfn_ngridx(x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 / v1 ydd dyn) /*c2s:v1=lISt(x3,y1), v11=lISt(x3,y2), r1=lISt(x3-v,y2+v+qq), r2=lISt(x3-v,y2+1+v), ydd=y1-qq*2+ss, pdd=lISt(x1,ydd), w1=rtos(x3,2,0), command("layer","s","Grid","","linetype","s","bylayer","","color","bylayer","line",v1,v11,""); command("layer","s","Label","","color","bylayer","text","s","tahoma","j","bc",r1,0,w1); dyn=dfn_getx_readkey("","\nTry Mirror?(y.yes)( "); if (dyn=="Y") command("mirror","l","",p100,p2,"","move","l","",p100,p1,"justifytext","l","","tc"); x3= (x3+d); */ x3) %include=dfn_getx_readkey #endrEgion #region dfn_cad_amain2 (DeFun C:q2() /*c2s: dfn_pp_v1chkR=nil;*/ (^/*c:# _fnP(_name(""));*/_app) ) %fopen(_pathuser("inc\lspfn_startvar.h")); (setq const_systasserte nil acad__assertNo 0) %fclose(); (Defun asserte(mssg / rr) /*c2s: acad__assertNo=acad__assertNo+1, if (mssg!=nil) erprv=erlsp, erlsp=mssg; */ erlsp) (DeFun C:^/*c:# _fnP(_name(""));*/_app() (^/*c:# _fnP(_name(""));*/_app ) ) (prompt "\ C:Q2 or Q2\n") (Defun ^/*c:# _fnP(_name(""));*/_app( / ) %fopen(_pathuser("inc\resource.h")); (princ) %fclose(); #endregion #region -all command ;STDCALL (call_stas) arg= str.choice(0) NN.* nn_^(i30) 0 0 arg= string.all inp= "^(i0) ^(i31)" inp= "(setq _ax (^(i0) ^(i1)))" ^(i0) ;SYSCALL (call_stas) arg= str.choice(0) PIF.* dfn_^(i30) 0 0 arg= string.all inp= "^(i0) ^(i31)" inp= "(setq _sys (^(i0) ^(i1)))" ^(i0) ;$M= (call_copy_source) arg= string.all inp= null inp= ^(i0) ;// (call_copy_source) arg= string.all inp= " //^(i0)" bta$instr_test= bta$instr_pred #endregion #region dfn_ent_assoclist (defun dfn_ent_assoclist(a020 / rr ff ye ys yl) /*c2s: ff=a020, ye=quote(ENAME), yl=quote(LIST), ys=quote(PICKSET); if (type(ff)==ys) ff=ssname(a020,0); rr=(type(ff)==ye) ? entget(ff): (acand(ff!=nil,type(ff)==yl))? ff:nil; */ rr) #endregion //Inf: get list //Inp:a020:lista=okai // :integer=error //Out:rr:..(cdr..) or nil for notfound cls&color C&start vlaxcompil.exe "%0" * -winmode&exit uselib=pp_gridform.vlax user_options=AutoCAD_Lisp_No_Header use_opt=AutoCAD_Lisp_No_Header source_lib=acadvlisp namefile=pp_pline_reverse.bat ;stdcall nn.vmload #region con_kpi (defun con_kpi(/ ) /*c2s: kpi=3.14159265358979323846; kHalfPi=1.57079632679489661923; kTwoPi = 6.28318530717958647692; kpi_max=3.14159265358979323846264338327950288; */ ) #endregion #region const_dimepsi %fopen(_pathuser("inc\lspfn_startvar.h")); (if (equal const_dimepsi nil) (setq const_dimepsi 0.00001000000000) ) (if (equal const_zero nil) (setq const_zero 1e-10) ) %fclose(); #endregion #region dfn_cad_amain_procstart ^(n)^(n)^(n)^(n)^(n)^(n)^(n)^(n)^(n)^(n)^(n)^(n)^(n)^(n)^(n)^(n)^(n)^(n)^(n)^(n)^(n)^(n) #endregion #region dfn_cad_amain_eof2 (prompt "\ Q2\n") %include=coff_linkerarx #endregion #region dfn_cad_amain_callend2 /*c2s: princ("\nEnd");*/ T) #endregion #region dfn_cad_amain_procstop ;Lib:free #endregion #region dfn_cad_aPages ;(^0) #endregion
i study  geodedic system, gis,
 utm ,lati-long .i develope 
tokenizer rtf,lisp), for  i writeI study geodedic system, cartographic maps,trigoometric GIS, GPS,WGS-84, UTM ,lati-long .I develope mathematics-parser,(C++, tokenizer RTF,lisp), backtracking for lexer-analyze. also, I write programs in other programming language, objectARX, C, turbo pascal, delphi3,free-pascal, Visual C+2010, c++, prolog language, delphi, arx, c#, ,latex. {--} 2021.decembrue16=
io have a too: transform the entities into , was develop with c#net., only .for 
you executeLispDeveloper= IO have a too: Transform the Entities into LISP-autogenerator,DLL , was develop with C#net., only .for autocad2010. You execute the source LISP-autogenerator,vlx in anyAutoCAD-versiob and you got the blocks., circles,, If you need the LISP-autogenerator,lsp, then I am ... --------------- II develop many applications for "automating draft with a lisp", surveyours/cadastral/architectural plans. I am very interested in your job, because I work a very long time, as Surveyor, cadastral map, I draw many cadastral- maps. I can develop your-program.lsp and I can work the cadastral-tasks. Please you hire, also I can work surveyour/s-job++programmerLisp..
i dont think i can help you. i am not expert. i am beginner and new to all this.
how to build a teamI dont think I can help you. I am not expert. I am beginner and new to all this. How to build a Team for CommonLisp. now, Team = you+I. Please you upload here any program CommonLisp-source. I can use AutoCad-vlide- for you, the alternative solution of already your-solution. *** I try convert-it to autolisp , I fixed the error/s , then I re-convert autolisp to commonLisp

contains for image options in teigha publish. 
  namespace image {

    /** \detailsContains declarations for image options in Teigha Publish. */ namespace Image { /** \details Image formats supported by Teigha Publish. */ enum Format { kUnknown = -1, /// The format is unknown. kBMP, /// A bitmap image. kICO, /// An icon image. kJPEG, /// A .jpeg image. kJNG, /// A .jng image. kKOALA, /// A .koala image. kLBM, /// A .lbm image. kIFF, /// An .iff image. kMNG, /// A .mgn image. kPBM, /// A .pbm image. kPBMRAW, /// A raw .pbm image. kPCD, /// A .pcd image. kPCX, /// A .pcx image. kPGM, /// A .pgm image. kPGMRAW, /// A raw .pgm image. kPNG, /// A .png image. kPPM, /// A .ppm image. kPPMRAW, /// A raw .ppm image. kRAS, /// A .ras image. kTARGA, /// A .targa image. kTIFF, /// A .tiff image. kWBMP, /// A .wbmp image. kPSD, /// A .psd (Adobe Photoshop) image. kCUT, /// A .cut image. kXBM, /// A .xbm image. kXPM, /// A .xpm image. kDDS, /// A .dds image. kGIF, /// A .gif image. kHDR, /// A .hdr image. kFAXG3, /// A .faxg3 image. kSGI, /// A .sgi image. kEXR, /// A .exr image. kJ2K, /// A .j2k image. kJP2, /// A .jp2 image. kPFM, /// A .pfm image. kPICT, /// A .pict image. kRAW /// A raw image. }; }
pastila minune este modafinil, am observat ca e cunoscut printre studentii de la noi, in special Pastila minune este Modafinil, am observat ca e cunoscut printre studentii de la noi, in special aceia care au cam ajuns prin state sau au reusit sa procure. Cica, in urma cu 5-7 ani, nu era de gasit nicaieri prin UE, toti faceau rost din state. Medicamentul face exact ce spune Jimmy in clip. Am inteles ca astea se numesc nootropice, ma rog... In prezent, exista si la noi in tara astfel de medicamente, de la ginkobil la piracetam si Beyond Brain. Legat de aderall, un alt medicament cu "puteri", e o mica problema; desi e mult mai hight, e si cu un oarecare risc crescut. Este administrat legal peste tot in lume, celor cu ADHA sau alte afectiuni cerebrale. Fiind o anfetamina, are si efectele secundare unui astfel de drog.
you contain too many internal do not known, you nick-name , even you keepsecret your nick-name fromYou programe.lisp contain too many internal error/s. ==I do not known, you nick-name , even you keepsecret your nick-name from I need your put nickname. So; I put your program,to nickname ==You must break entire source.lisp to many subroutines ---(defun js_lookupswitch ( / $rr)) ---(defun js_newdatum ---(defun js_newlayer ---(defun js_plotcenter ==You must separate local-variabiles with global-variabiles. {--} ==Always di will contain the last-value from list-var named "dislfli". You do not calculate nothing inside your source.Lisp (repeat ptcount (setq di1 (nth r dislfli)) (setq di1 (- 0 di1)) (setq di di1) (setq r (+ r 1)) ) You replace with (command "layer" "s" "CS_CENTRE" "") with (setvar...) (setvar "CLAYER" "CS_CENTRE") You replace this (command with line+emakex, at line (Command "line" censt cenen "") with this -code (dfn_enamk_line cest cenen "CS_CENTRE" nil "") You do not need more set-current Layer with (command, because the (command slow-down your-programeLisp-speed. You remove (command "layer" "s" "ANNOC" "") with the function (dfn_enamk_line, because the function "dfn_enamk_line", do not need resetset-currentLAYER every-time.the function "dfn_enamk_line" draw line inside each line on his layer-name. We develope VlaxCompile for Visual-Lisp. You can develope libraries files with 2120functions inside zip file. You can compile :All 2120function" to AutoLisp for BrisCAd, NanoCad, ProgeCad-Lisp.. {---} You can test thisCompilator.exe. Convert C+/C# to autoLisp. If you need moreC++ then you hire me at this job. This compilator can compile C+L to 100%Lisp, Parse Lto Lisp, tokenizerLisp. Reverse Lisp to C+, C#. Visual Programming for AutoLisp Mathématiques en programmation Lisp.. doc2cpp,doc2lsp, sld2lsp, bmp2dcl, free__GifCcapture for all-CAD'platforms You make a anew procedure js_newlayer for checking all ready exists. all layer/s names. (js_newlayer "You must be sure exists al LayerNeeds") (Defun js_newlayer(trinitastv / $rr condorC ldc nop) (setq;|a33440|; condorC (list "CS_CENTRE" "ANNOC" "ORDINATE" "TOP_SURFACE" "MISC")) (foreach ldc condorC (if (tblsearch "LAYER") "ok" (dfn_enamk_layer ldc 100))) $rr) (defun dfn_enamk_layer(namelayer epscolor / $rr xls nam fnd old) (setq;|a39656|; nam (if (= (type namelayer) (quote STR)) namelayer "0") epscolor (if (= (type epscolor) (quote INT)) epscolor 7) old nil xls (tblsearch "LAYER" "0") fnd (if xls 0 (- 1))) (if (and (= fnd 0) (/= nam "0")) (setq;|a39856|; old (list (tblsearch "LAYER" nam)))) (setq;|a39896|; $rr (cond ( (and (/= old nil) (= (car old) nil)) (list 5100 (entmakex (list (cons 0 "LAYER") (cons 100 "AcDbSymbolTableRecord") (cons 100 "AcDbLayerTableRecord") (cons 2 nam) (cons 70 0) (cons 62 epscolor)))))( (= old nil) (list (- 5003) "InternalError"))( (car old) (list 1 "AlreadyExista"))( (list (- 5002) "error")))) $rr) library_test=*.* PLEASE YOU HIRE ME, FOR FINISH YOUR-PROJECT TOGETHER library_autorun=zip=pp_bombaylisp.vlax/autoexec.bat library_logmessage=

why  two  layouts display same  source  of last richedit?Why two layouts display same source of last RichEdit? with Notebook1 do begin if (ctab='.gif') then ctab:=ExtractFileName(OpenDialog1Gif.FileName) else ctab:=ExtractFileName(ctab); inc(kQvLayoutpin); Case LAYOUTREGENCTL of kVpRegenType_nam:; kVpRegenType_lwr:ctab:=lowercase(cTab); kVpRegenType_upr:ctab:=Uppercase(ctab); else End; ctab:=concat(ctab,'.',kTwoDigitLookup); Pages.Add(cTab); IMAGEHLT.Parent := AScrollBox; IMAGEHLT.OnMouseMove := Notebook1MouseMove; AScrollBox.Parent := Pages.Objects as TPage; IndexCtl := Pages.IndexOf('Default'); if IndexCtl<>-1 then Pages.Delete(IndexCtl); TabSet1.Tabs := Pages; TabSet1.TabIndex := Pages.Count - 1; end; I use mutiple RichEdit,always You open and create a New RichEdit WordP := TRichEdit.Create(Self); with WordP do begin Align:=AlClient; Visible := True; PopupMenu := PopupMenu1; end; vla_rtf_ActiveLayout(kVpRegenType_upr+10,fnam,WordP);
you reset the color/s to black or  for all entities  before object? from  a/m/p :a
forced xref,maybeYou reset the Color/s to Black or white(red...) for all entities before Plotting? Select object? ('A'.all)('M'.only from space-model)('P'.paper)? A/M/P :A Forced Xref,maybe crash :Y Type-Mode? ('Y'.quickmode)('N'.normal-Mode)? :Y BlockRedef-DownTo Zero1=000 RIP=8225 Do wish ExtraScan? ('Y'.Extra)('N'.exit)? :Y EndT
(prompt (prompt "\nSelect Objects (also Hatches) for area count: ") (setq ss (ssget '( (0 . "CIRCLE,ELLIPSE,*POLYLINE,SPLINE,HATCH") (-4 . "") (-4 . "NOT>") ) ) ) ;(setq fname (getfiled "Define name of exported file" dwgName "SDF" 1)) (prompt "\n\nLayer-Area:\n----------------------------------\n") y this Sorry It was early morning and I just copied construction from the code you have attached. Try this (setq ss (ssget "_X" '((0 . "INSERT")(410 . "Model")))) Tested and it works OK.Or you can use (setq ss (ssget "_A" '((0 . "INSERT")(410 . "Model")))) Similar to the "X" mode string but excludes objects on frozen layers. Selects all objects on thawed layers. (ssget '((0 . "TEXT") (-4 . "")))(setq ByA " ") Selects lines with colour not set to 256 (ByLayer). (ssget '((0 . "LINE") (-4 . "")))(setq ByA " ") Select text with alignment point with Y-coordinate less than or equal to 10.0 units, with any X & Z coordinate value. (ssget '((0 . "TEXT") (-4 . "*,<=") (11 0.0 10.0 0.0)))(setq ByA " ") Select circles with a center at an elevation of 4.0 units (ssget '((0 . "CIRCLE") (-4 . "*,*,=") (10 0.0 0.0 4.0)))(setq ByA " ") Selects all text objects residing entirely inside the rectangle with vertices at (3,2), (5,2), (5,4) and (3,4) (ssget "_W" '(3 2) '(5 4) '((0 . "TEXT"))) (setq ByA " ")
how to develop, to a program ascii inside lisp, before vlx?>
how to install the programe autolispJobPlII-Lisp= Job1000$Lisp-fromIndia= How to develop, to a program debug-version ascii inside lisp, before Vlx?> How to install the programe AutoLisp work in once Drawing.File? How to downloading DCL from the forum on the web,? How develop the Libraries/files .zipped with Lisp source? How build the file language.lng file for yourProgram.Lisp? How to move all messages from the programe.lisp.lsp , to inside yourDrawing.dwg? --- If you need, extend the AutoCad-Drawing a long-term (many , many year/s) with visual-lisp-extra function/s +1) then you must develop VLisp-Applet/s as zip files, and all program/s lisp contain many test/s of code-lisp. +2) you must prepare the mix Drawings+AutoLisp+Notepad++Blade-insideBricsCad.. That reason you need use, the any AutoLisp-Generator, C# ,java ,.exe... You must use many compilator/s of VLISP (Vlide+Blade+7ZipFm+VlaxCompilr+DclGenerator+C#+) Factory3Dlisp= Job1000$LispBeginner= Job1000$Lisp2022Feb= {--} Can we transform DrafterWorker to youtube-funny-movies? Please your images PDFs or JPEGs must have, >=300dpi.,. If your PDF have dpiSize<300dpi then i have tool PDF-corectionpDPI.exe PDF-corectionpDPI.exe , may be fail , if your PDF have bugs or problems,.,. {--} Already i vectorize images to geographic dwg maps inside the autocad.. I understand your task,, you need "calibrate" the jpeg/ and drawing in foreground on this jpeg. .(you can draw the spline, polylline, circles...)